All posts by Shadnix

Preview: Mizus RaidTracker for WoW

After maintaining my own fork of the CT RaidTracker for a while, i’m currently creating my own raidtracker. My guild is running a variant of a zero-sum dkp-system where people on standby will get full dkp for being online. As i started with dkp tracking, i used NRT and CT RaidTracker. While NRT provides a nice solution to track raid attendance, it lacked proper DKP-tracking and proper boss detection (especially ‘event bosses’ like Gunship Battle, Dreamwalker, Faction Champions). CTRT provides a good loot tracking, but no raid attendance options. I hacked the last part in there, but maintaining it was a pain, so I started my own raidtracker project.

So, the first alpha of Mizus RaidTracker (no – name creativity was not present) was born. It took longer as expected to get things to work, but considering that this is my first WoW-Addon and i had less spare time than expected, it should be ok. A first beta version should be finished next month. The key features of the first version will be: Continue reading Preview: Mizus RaidTracker for WoW

Das TK-Terminal: Warum ein kleines Terminal-Update so lange dauern kann

Das Studentenwerk Braunschweig gibt mitlerweile seit etwa 5 Monaten die neuen Mensakarten aus und immernoch kann unser Auflade-Terminal für die Telefonkonten die neuen Karten nicht lesen. Da mag man sich zurecht die Frage stellen, warum das so lange dauert.

Nun, zuerst hatten wir etwa zwei Monate lang garnicht mitbekommen, dass es ein neues Kartensystem gibt. Da wir bei ATekoN ja alle bereits schon länger zu den Studierenden zählen, laufen wir immernoch mit dem alten Kartentyp durch die Gegend. Und die funktionieren auch noch an unserem Aufladeterminal einwandfrei. Erst im November 2009 kamen die ersten Beschwerden auf, worauf wir dann recherchiert haben. Continue reading Das TK-Terminal: Warum ein kleines Terminal-Update so lange dauern kann

Mumble/Murmur: Setting a default channel for authenticated users (hardcoded solution)

Update (05/02/2011): With the release of Mumble v.1.2.3-rc2, the below mentioned method isn’t necessary anymore. Please have a look at this post for updated information.

My World of WarCraft guild changed the voice software this weekend. We used Ventrilo up until now, but our server will shut down today, so we had to change and gave Mumble 1.2.2 a try. The server setup was quick, the voice quality is good and the channel based ACLs provides a huge flexibility for user group based access rights. We are using a basic “two area” channelsetup – a closed area for guild members only (for raids, pvp, chating, etc.) and a public area (for random groups, friends, etc.). So, every guild member is registered to the server and was given access rights to the internal area by the admin.

After using mumble for the first two days, we noticed a little flaw: When a authenticated user disconnect from Murmur, the server saves the last channel the user was in. If the user connects to the server again, the server moves the user back to the last channel automatically. I understand, that this feature is probably widly seen as a “nice-to-have” and not as a drawback, but our voice server is used quite heavy and already a few people bumped in conversations accidentally. So, I started to search for a solution to set a default channel to get everyone in the lobby after a connect.

Continue reading Mumble/Murmur: Setting a default channel for authenticated users (hardcoded solution)

Neues InterCard-Terminal eingetroffen

Nach viel Herumgelaufe und langer Wartezeit ist endlich das neue InterCard-Lesegerät für das Telefon-Terminal eingetroffen. Wir arbeiten nun in den folgenden Wochen an der Anbindung des neuen Gerätes an unsere bestehende Software und hoffen, dass der Kartenleser im Laufe des nächsten Monats einsatzbereit ist. Dann ist das Aufladen des Telefonkontos auch mit den neuen Mensakarten möglich, die das Studentenwerk Braunschweig seit letztem Semester heraus gibt.